Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pocket Money for iPhone

Pocket Money for the iphone... where to begin. I like the ability to pull in QIF data but there are no filters or customization to do this so it just pulls in all information. It takes a long time to load anything more than six months to a years worth of data and it likes to lock up the phone from time to time.

There is absolutely no way to set up scheduled reminders, only scheduled transactions, so if you are like me and still manually pay all of your bills online then you will be annoyed by the automatic transactions.

They have a graphing system but nothing as complex as quicken or other products. The graphs are built using the google API which is cool, but honestly it's not very pretty or customizable and you need this for a money app.

The pricing is pretty high too for an iPhone app and I felt ripped off that I paid 5 bucks for this app, especially since I ended up deleting it. If you want my opinion, stay away from this app and get something more basic from the appstore like "Checkbook" which is only 99 cents. 4/10

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