Sunday, March 22, 2009

Metroid Prime 3

I started playing Metroid Prime 3 for the wii last Sunday. I was expecting the game to be good, but I was surprised when I found out the game was incredible! Metroid Prime 3 still keeps a lot of the same mechanics as the previous 2D and 3D Metroid games while adding a new control set with the wii.

The wii is perfect for First Person Shooter games. The movement of the wii remote and nunchuck feels very close to that of the keyboard and mouse, while adding another perspective of immersion for the gamer.

Samus is as bad ass as ever and from where I'm currently at in the game, I can tell it\'s only going to get better. Timed sequences (the infamous self destruct scenes), close quarter combat, fast paced action scenes, and REALLY big bosses make this an awesome game to add to your wii library. I love REALLY big bosses. :) Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to playing with my wii. 10/10

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